Does consciousness create reality reddit

  • Does consciousness create reality reddit. Robert Lanza, a stem-cell biologist whose work has earned him high acclaim. . Crypto All is consciousness. Jan 14, 2020 路 The basic commitment is that the fundamental constituents of reality—perhaps electrons and quarks—have incredibly simple forms of experience, and the very complex experience of the human or In philosophy, “conscious” is not usually equated with “alert. so, the magic lies in the "betweenness" (check out Iain McGilchrist if that interests you). Creation is finished. This defines Spirit as Consciousness, from which Mind was created second, this is the Sub-Conscious. That collective intelligence is born not from the sum of the individual parts, as reductionism might assume, but born of the system itself. • I am only gonna do vision as a sense for explanatory purposes. Because we are one and the same. By asking where consciousness comes from I am simply trying to point out that if the consciousness does exists beyond an inter-subjective reality then it must be the product of some physical part of the human body since the all that truly exists is matter and natural forces. plato. Consciousness is expressed as the underlying source of existence known as the “field” and is infinite, boundless, limitless, timeless, all-knowing, ever-present, all-encompassing, yet, it’s non-local, space-less and non-personal. Its almost as if the ego is a neccesairy bottleneck in the psyche to create the illusion of reality. I believe the state the energy is in when it disassociates has an impact on the quality of disassociation. Posted by u/Relevant_Fall_6626 - 1 vote and 61 comments The individual's reality however, is solely under his jurisdiction. If we consider the information to be essential to "soul" or consciousness, then there is no change in the ship of theseus, it is indeed the same ship, and the person is not "destroyed" because their information is simply being moved, not eradicated. There is nothing you have to change (in the physical world) when you have what you want. If he is right, then to all intents and purposes the universe didn't exist until we and other conscious entities started observing it. Read more: What is consciousness? How your brain creates the feeling of Sep 25, 2023 路 The concept proposes that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality, like mass or electrical charge. The task of understanding consciousness is an equally diverse project. Our thoughts and our actions are constantly moving back-and-forth between conscious and unconscious activities. It is like a subset of it, and because of that there may be a fundamental disconnect inherent it its intrinsic ability to describe reality fully - because reality is consciousness in a sense. If us, as conscious human beings, can create ideas and bring them to reality, we can conclude that conciousness is what makes reality happen. From a certain perspective, thoughts, interpretations etc. Imagining a kiss is great, but actually feeling a kiss is completely different. consciousness is reality. Preface There was a great response to the… As your consciousness is the only reality that exists, you already have what you want. Support. Even your thoughts and imagination creates realities of their own. All limitations that exist within reality are imposed by reality onto itself, so to speak. Posted by u/letgoandflow - 7 votes and 2 comments By energetic world I mean spiritual but Reddit wouldn’t allow me to put that in the title. Or does my consciousness affect my If the natural process of reality consists of A) Thoughts (energy and information) create reality. " The fact that consciousness evolved means it's preferred to unconscious animal beings, so consciousness creates an advantage, a reward system, that can influence reality. Then it would only make sense that there would be some way to connect these universes, and that is with consciousness. The same applies to the human brain. is the frame work on which we perceive/create reality in our minds. Love yourself and the world loves you back. I see physical reality as an emanation of consciousness in order to experience and evolve itself. So reality can disassociate to create you and then it can suck so much that you can disassociate from that Look at all the theology and myth. All that is came from original thought and feeling, dreamt up by the original dreamer, everything is standing in the mind of god, who is original consciousness. Does this interaction require some base level awareness? I think that it does. You are the seed bearer and the fertilizer of thos other higher beings. TL;DR “Our theory of consciousness rejects the idea that consciousness initially evolved in order to allow us to make sense of the world and act accordingly, and then, at some later point, episodic memory developed to store such conscious representations,” Budson and his colleagues said in the study. , physics, chemistry, and quantum events). A novel study reports the dynamics of consciousness may be understood by a newly developed conceptual and mathematical framework. 13K subscribers in the scienceisdope community. But the majority of people are creating unconsciously. May 19, 2021 路 We exist both as a particle and a wave and we have the power in our consciousness to create our own reality. Thoughts create reality because the same way the internal thoughts led you to creating this Reddit post is the same way they lead you down your own life to create your own reality of every second every day without realising it consciously or subconsciously, without the internal you wouldn’t be able to experience anything at all, when we say you can't explain consciousness this way. Alternative therapies, crystal healing, reiki, chakra balancing, energy work, aura cleansing, magic… No. Would any of those science fiction novels/movies become a reality? What would be the purpose of such AI? Would it actually just be electricity and bits, or would there be more to it, like artificial hormone generation, fake skin with sensors, etc etc? And if we ever do create such AI, does it mean that the AI is a human or humans are AI? Given this hole in the chain of logic (almost blindly overlooked by everyone believing brains create consciousness), one must rely on an impossible magic: the brain can cause something that does not exist (consciousness) to come into existence, and even communicate before the fact with something that does not exist to inform it as to what it Business, Economics, and Finance. If we use our direct experience to find out about consciousness we can say a few things about it for certain. In terms of hierarchy, the physical reality is the "child" layer, and the level of consciousness is the "parent" level. Its all confusion. Your mood prior to sleep defines your state of consciousness as you enter into the presence of your everlasting lover, the subconscious. This energy interacts with other energy. all the information i experience and the commands I send using the mouse and keyboard is processed by the Efilism has one biggest enemy, that is, how does consciousness arise? Because both pain and happiness require a subjective consciousness to experience, it can even be said that pain and happiness belong to the category of consciousness. Consciousness is the primordial substance of all creation. Not only do many different aspects of mind count as conscious in some sense, each is also open to various respects in which it might be explained or modeled. Neville told us to ignore what we don't want (current reality) and focus on what we do want (imagined better reality). You need to read the above at least 3 times, slowly, before proceeding. Night after night, you should assume the feeling of being, having and witnessing that which you seek to be, possess and see manifested. 饾棪饾棸饾椂饾棽饾椈饾棸饾棽, 饾椏饾棶饾榿饾椂饾椉饾椈饾棶饾椆饾椂饾榿饾槅 饾棶饾椈饾棻 饾椇饾棽饾椇饾棽饾榾! The official subreddit of the Indian science and rationality… 7. • OK a photon hits an object, that photon reflects of an object carrying the spesific properties with it to the eye (observer) • Photon - iris - retina - electrical impulse and then of paramount importance the brain takes this and "hallucinate" this world. 馃寣 The relationship between consciousness and reality As we ponder on consciousness, we cannot escape the intertwined question of its relationship to reality. If consciousness were merely a product of the brain, then destroy all life and consciousness would disappear. Consciousness is incredibly complex, but there is nothing special about the information that would prevent a machine that matches a brain's computing power to do the same. The only thing you have to change is your mind. Do you think it offers a viable framework for understanding consciousness and 10 votes, 17 comments. -Us as consciousness, started to enter and play realities that we call life. Aug 11, 2022 路 Consciousness can not simply be reduced to neural activity alone, researchers say. Being the creation of consciousness, it cannot create consciousness. Insightful. It doesn't create it. Crypto God cannot exist without consciousness and neither can we. My response is "I'm not a zombie and I know that because I actually have phenomenal consciousness. Consciousness is Consciousness is aware It is ever present it is unlimited (has no physical qualities so no borders where it could begin or end) No, as far as we can tell consciousness is related to the specific brain structure and activity of said structure, your consciousness is not a result of my brain so it is inherently different from mine. A non physical subjective system that can operate on physical entities like you yourself, and act better than a simple zombie would. And there is no chance that all of which we experience was simply an colossal accident on the universe's behalf, meaning that conciousness must have had to create the universe we live in, as it is the Dec 7, 2021 路 Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Sep 26, 2012 路 Life Reality: How does consciousness fit in? Some theories hold that reality and consciousness are one and the same. Am I understanding this correctly as follows. This is a genuine question. Consider your consciousness as the clay, and your imagination as the Potter who gives it the desired 'shape and form' (assumptions). ” I have this question for a long time. Art and aesthetics for example, if they existed at all would almost certainly be a far far No ~ language is in consciousness. May 2, 2015 路 And what we do in the present affects what happened in the past – in principle, all the way back to the origins of the universe. There's no need to posit that "everything in reality is conscious", or that consciousness is an "illusion" (whatever that means - after all, illusions are illusions to someone's consciousness). Like. Whatever consciousness is changed in the physical universe by our material brain's ability to create memories of consciousness. A whirlpool can’t create water. but the game itself isn't taking place in the monitor. Money is part of that. Interfering before it hardens will only I mean that is equally as well answered in the cosmic psyhist view if matter is eternal and conscious at some level than the arrangements of that specific matter would also give rise to a subjective sense of consciousness humans aren't really special in this were just species that are under the selection of evolution The whole point of manifesting is to create things we can experience with our senses, like a kiss from a beautiful woman. consciousness). From a lay perspective, the fact of consciousness (here meaning awareness) is so self-evident that the only question that may arise is why anyone would consider consciousness to be mysterious in the first place, akin to asking a fish, “What is water?” I don't think I did. the same as black holes, supernova or nuclear fusion. Just leave it be until it 'hardens' naturally. Therefore, consciousness is everything, created everything, and consciousness used itself to create everything out of itself. You already have what you want. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this hypothesis. “In the beginning man created god” is a, most likely stolen, quote from my very old German school counselor In the same vein, all of the energies and biophysical phenomena that the brain experiences as consciousness do indeed exist independently and outside of the brain (e. There is nothing else to be done. Though we focus on consciousness, the reality is that most of what we do in the origin of our thoughts is in the unconscious. The core is pure positive energy (aka. Though they share the same "consciousness" or do we all have our "own"? It's almost like trying to define a rainbow with the color red. This energy focused itself into a time-space reality. Everything is shaped out of Consciousness. It tends to be closer to a transcendental idealist view in which there are ideas that make up various qualities such as attachment or craving. We will never know reality as it is bc our only way to access reality is limited to the human brain in a way, we all create “reality” in our brains. Close Advertisement If consciousness creates reality in whatever ways, I would like to create reality where minimum suffering occurs. But the wondrous experience of consciousness itself seems to require a brain to give rise to it and a brain-based mind to perceive it. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 2 votes and 4 comments Jan 21, 2023 路 Prof. Like if a person has a thought that a "if a person gets cheated on then he/she develops that every guy or girl is cheating or cheater". Well, I think it depends on the definition of consciousness. If everything is energy and consciousness (which I believe it is) and we create our own reality depending on our state of being within our minds which is linked to every other state of being in the oneness, then, does the non physical world that other very consci If we can utilize physical laws to plan our power of change over the reality external to our minds and bodies, and do so in such a way that we succeed according to our plan, then the overlap is greater than zero. … we are the manifestation of consciousness. What does the potter do once he gives the desired shape and form to the clay? Nothing. " All Buddhism as a whole rejects the language of talk of the mind as a substance or even a reified property. Graziano’s own theory of consciousness, the attention schema theory, or AST, does not claim to have cracked the hard problem of consciousness, but instead seeks to explain why we believe If you're a panpsychist, you believe that fundamental pieces of consciousness reside in everything, from quarks on up to bees and humans, but only in more complex brains do you find consciousness unified enough to create experience like we have. So bees are conscious but just maybe not in the same way we are. All that ever was and ever will be is here now. I do think however consciousness does have qualities, just not objective ones. Celebrate. I’m surprised that this aspect of human thought is not more thoroughly explored in this subreddit. Such a task would be like asking fish to create the ocean. Since we have done so, it is definitely greater than zero. Dec 31, 2018 路 In order to understand the true nature of reality, science must first recognize the importance of consciousness, says Dr. The problem then is that other researchers will say you didn't solve the problem of consciousness because your version of consciousness is not their version of consciousness. It's like I'm playing a really boring first person video game on a computer. To have a memory he had to literally envision everything past present and future to even create reality. the higher-level things make the lower-level things do stuff they wouldn't otherwise do, and they posit this as a possible explanation for consciousness. I don't know, but it seems that rational approaches to comprehensive understanding of life and the universe has a lot of difficulty with that. To create life- first must have space time and matter. Does my perception of things affect my consciousness? Do aspects of consciousness affect the whole? Yes. Meanwhile people who state brain does create consciousness use actual evidence of the brain having a significant correlation to conscious experience. This will help the Reddit Admins or the subreddit Mods, and it will make it more likely that the post gets removed promptly Reddiquette about upvoting/downvoting comments In prior posts in another subreddit, "Shooting Down The "There Is No Evidence" Myth" and "Shooting Down The "There Is No Evidence" Myth, Part 2," I debunked the myth that "there is no evidence" for continuation of consciousness/the afterlife from three fundamental perspectives: (1) it is a claim of a universal negative, (2) providing several categories of afterlife research that have produced . Jul 7, 2021 路 We are finally testing the ideas that quantum collapse in the brain gives rise to consciousness and that consciousness creates the reality we see from the quantum world. Realize this and you will never want for money. It's easily compared to that of a computer, it receives inputs and and sends outputs all based on learnt rules (the code) and the genetics of the person (the code as well). Which would have to happen in an instant but for "GOD" to even fathom life then death must occur to have time. In addition the observer effect, to an extend, is proofs to a relation between matter and consciousness. We create God as much as God creates us. An intuitive definition of mine would be being aware of everything that's outside of your own mind and thus acknowledging your mind as an entity, for it can be separated from other objects. This is the bottom left (polarity) of the equation. Infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent consciousness. But yeah I am not surely in favour of Buddha according to whom it's better to escape the existence cause he has no hope for existence to be free of any suffering 馃槀 Jun 7, 2021 路 How can observers create reality? How does this work? Lanza contends that a network of observers is necessary and is “inherent to the structure of reality. Fish can’t create the thing that created them. This view doesn sThere is nothing outside of reality - since reality includes everything - that could limit reality. , in a coma) but still are “conscious” because they still have subjective experiences. its a means by which entropy is facilitated. but I call it consciousness. Comment Copy; Also at the end of the day, our consciousness is just a human picture of reality. So even under a physicalist view where consciousness is 100% emergent from physical matter, to say consciousness has nothing at all to do with quantum physics I think is a strange claim to make since the existence of matter itself is contingent on its quantum properties. " The reality is that it is the information which is essential. -Consciousness started to create the universal mind so it can create reality and everything known and unknown. He also sees a greater role for consciousness in the quest for a “Theory of Everything,” larger than even physics. I see consciousness as the fundamental makeup of reality, or the Source of reality. However, since reality's ability to limit itself is also unlimited, all limited worlds are also possible. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Spirit created and manipulates both Mind and Matter. All top level comments should be answers to the submitted question, or follow-up questions related to the OP. Apr 29, 2015 路 But some physicists have proposed that reality is even stranger : the universe only becomes real when we look at it. He can create his reality as he wants it and he IS creating it, whether he likes it or not. you can explain the types of decisions consciousness tends to make this way, but consciousness does not boil down to predictive ability. my consciousness with a mouse and keyboard controls the avatar my consciousness sees on the monitor. It's also a question of the nature of time, and Einstein himself said the passage of time is an illusion, which means that the "past" is alive. usually for something to become real it must be an idea first, and then it must acquire attention and material into itself, which follows the laws of social consciousness Sep 2, 2021 路 But no matter what the mind conceives and creates, it cannot conceive or create consciousness itself. But it is undeniable that our world would be much different without it. There is nothing, but consciousness. vitstudio/Shutterstock The fact that zombies would believe that they have phenomenal consciousness does not show that I'm a zombie. -We are now in this reality where this knowledge got striped of us for obscure reasons that we not gonna mention, bc it’s not the topic. Language can alter the how we perceive and think about things, but that does not mean that language creates our perceptions or thoughts. Is the universe really all inside your head Business, Economics, and Finance. So then the discussion will be about what is consciousness and we are back at square one. It can do it as many times as it wants. But does it actually happens? Like when they say "thoughts create reality", i am guessing they are talking about perception. The idea goes back to antiquity—Plato took it seriously—and has had some prominent Aug 22, 2021 路 Georgia Tech quantum field theory researcher Tim Andersen grounds reality in Will, rather than Mind, as envisioned by Bernardo Kastrup and the cosmopsychists. does consciousness create reality? it’s complicated, there is a gradient from something being real and not being real. there seems to be a vividness to these psychedelic substances that sober reality does not come close to, like how in a dream you feel kind of blurry, its the opposite for these substances. does the universe create consciousness does consciousness create the universe I tend to think that consciousness is an expression of the universe by definition since the term implies the totality of all existing things. In a sense, our brains create an image of reality in accordance with how our brains function. Does consciousness create reality, as some philosophical traditions suggest? Or is it merely a passive observer of an external world that exists independently? It is perhaps a bit of both. g. It’s the only one thing that truly exists. It doesn't matter if the brain creates consciousness; it matters how that consciousness interacts with the world. usually we experience something in between. However, first we would have to figure our WHAT information to feed into the computer if we are to find an accurate simulation. Not knowing they are creating, they think, believe, react to and feel all manner of things. Asking ‘other people’ about solipsism is tantamount to having a dream at night where you ask the ‘other people’ in your dream if any of them really think it Notice how people who state brain does not create consciousness are always using metaphors to back up their stance. Why can it do that? No one knows. They’re both complex networks relying on their neighbors to create a collective consciousness, or hive mind - bees being another great example. It's all consciousness and if you cannot love you, your consciousness, then the world can't love you back. B) Superposition of electron (in a state of decay and active at the same time) creating parallel universe. Because while language can alter how we perceive and think about things, does not mean we are limited to what language provides. Yes, there no closed system to consciousness. In reality, the "consciousness", referred to as the "self" in philosophical debates most commonly, is nothing more than matter interacting with matter. Reality is creating itself and you are all of that. Therefore, reality itself MUST be totally unlimited. Absolutely nothing else does. Well its a little different since quantum immortality makes it so you can never die and never even experience death at all and you will always go to a reality that’s exactly like your or but without the part where you die while this post would suggest you experience death and then shift to a completely new world but like now im just trying to sound smart since its basically quantum immortality Isn't the reality that consciousness is a product of the brain? It is created by the brain, and thus, without the brain and its electrical signals which create that consciousness we experience, that is lost. Some call it “the unified field”, “Source”, “God”, “The All”, etc. Some people believe in a stronger form of emergence (aptly called "strong emergence") where the higher-level concepts can actually cause novel behavior at the lower level, i. What if our existence is nothing but merely a figment of a 4th dimensional thought, what if when I think of an apple, there is now a reality somewhere of that same apple, what if our brains that create our reality, have the ability to create other realities outside of our physical dimension, as far as we know there is no limitation of to how The mistake is thinking there is separation between ‘you’ and ‘reality’ in such a way ‘you’ create ‘reality’. When I say I am not a zombie I am justified by the fact that I do have phenomenal consciousness. 4K subscribers in the WooASMR community. " - Erwin Schrödinger • "Consciousness is never experienced in the plural, only in the singular. This is my thought exactly A few months ago I read about French philosopher Henri Bergson, who "believed that consciousness was not generated by human brains but rather exists in a field outside us, something like electromagnetic waves; our brains, which he likened to radio receivers, can tune in to different frequencies of consciousness. an isolated "thing" cannot really maintain consciousness for a sustainable amount of time. stanford - Consciousness. Lastly, if a post violates either the rules of r/consciousness or Reddit's site-wide rules, please remember to report such posts. Jul 19, 2021 路 Some scientists believe consciousness is generated by quantum processes, but the theory is yet to be empirically tested. Consciousness to a Christian fundamentalist might be a completely different understanding than an atheists perspective. I'll admit Penrose is a very clever chap, maybe a genius, but he's completely wrong about AI and consciousness. " - Erwin Schrödinger • "Consciousness is not a thing or a substance, but a process. Reality is consciousness and 'people' are disassociation of this field of reality. e. Funny. They are only energy at the end of the day. its like a lens you are weari Let me suggest a dividing line between charlatans and truth seekers: a truth seeker would say that the relationship between physics and consciousness is not really understood yet, but we have no evidence that it involves any kind of wish fulfillment such as changing the universe with brain waves, ESP, clairvoyance or life after death. ” Consciousness is the presence of subjective experience. My belief is that in this universe nothing is automatic at its core, because how can something automatic ever give rise to the subjective experience of consciousness? Posted by u/letgoandflow - 6 votes and 16 comments • "Consciousness is a singular of which the plural is unknown. Your comment was removed for violating the following rule: Top-level comments must be answers. Sep 6, 2022 路 What is consciousness? The term “consciousness” means different things to different audiences. Love. true, but the underlying question should be: how does it (consciousness) create all realities? it does so by interacting with the "external world". If nothing lives time holds no purpose. When a zombie claims it, it is wrong. The following is an ongoing dialogwith ourselves, started by this original post . it's like answering a question about the mechanism of the heart by saying 'evolutionarily, the function of the heart is very useful for x purpose, so we evolved it Posted by u/brian423 - 2 votes and 3 comments so. It addresses the nature of consciousness, the subjective nature of reality, and phenomena like quantum immortality within the context of interconnected individual universes within a larger multiverse. All the 'minds' in the world, which we know through our personal experience, are singular. The two can then be seen to create the external experience or Matter/Conscious(synthesis). There are certainly examples of people who are “unconscious” in the medical sense of not being alert (e. It is all that exists. As to what extent our minds "create" reality, it is exactly 0%. I guess something like Descartes' argument does well enough to establish that we really are conscious, in terms of pure philosophy. cxvi gbhavg kqs vljfu vesxwgm kfawr lrib behf efd fyutv